Introduction to Kayaking SK101

A one-day seminar on the basics of sea kayaking. Topics include kayak and paddle design, how to choose boats and equipment, basics of safe paddling, dealing with cold water, how to find people to paddle with, where to paddle, and other topics of interest. There are boats and gear displays, and knowledgeable people available to discuss different aspects of kayaking. Although this event is primarily for the newer paddler, everyone is invited to expand their paddling horizons.  SK101 is scheduled for late winter each year and is only held once a year.  

View of a video of the 2024 SK101 Introduction to Sea Kayaking , held at Cult Classic Brewery April 13, 2024. 

SK101 Introduction to Sea Kayaking 2024

SK101 Introduction to Sea Kayaking 2024 (photo by Rich Stevens)

Are you new to kayaking? Did you miss our SK101 Introduction to Sea Kayaking course in April?  While not nearly as good as being there, these are a series of presentations developed by CPA members to assist new paddlers.

  • PIRACIES AND PADDLE PALS was developed by Ricardo Stewart for the 2024 SK101 class.  
  • CLOTHING FOR KAYAKING was developed by Rob Pearlman for the 2011 SK101 class.  Also, there is a link to a resource list.
  • KAYAK GEAR was developed by Jen Bine and Rob Pearlman for the 2010 SK101 class. A chart showing appropriate clothing for cold water immersion adapted by Denise Parisi for the 2019 SK101 class, and a chart showing average sea temperatures at Thomas Point lighthouse are here. 
  • KAYAK RACKS AND LOADING was developed by Sue and Rich Stevens for the 2020 SK101 class to explain how to transport your kayak on your car. To see the 2023 version look HERE. For more information to complement the PowerPoint presentation and tips on kayak transporting and storage, look HERE and HERE. Information as to how to modify you kayak cart to make it easier to use is HERE. This material may be used freely by anyone, in whole or in part, as long as the authors are notified and attribution is given.
  • PLACES TO PADDLE was developed by Suzanne Farace for the 2020 SK101 class, showcasing the variety of put ins and kayaking opportunities in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. KAYAKING RESOURCE LIST is a listing of links to many launch sites, paddling venues, and more.
  • BASIC KAYAK SAFETY is a presentation by CPA and Coast Guard Auxiliary members Wendy Norwitz and Ron Price for the 2018 SK101 class.
  • WHAT’S IT LIKE TO GO ON A CPA TRIP? was developed by Ralph Heimlich and Bee Dawson for the 2019 SK101 class.

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