CPA Membership

Join CPA

Why Join CPA?

  • Only members receive The Chesapeake Paddler newsletter, containing articles on trips, local paddlers , workshop registrations, regional events, equipment, and skills .
  • CPA maintains a library of kayaking books and videos.
  • Some trips / workshops are limited to CPA members.
  • Membership discounts at area stores.
  • All CPA activities are run by paddlers like you.
  • CPA events and trips are low cost or free, generally charging only enough to cover parking, entrance fees, camping fees and other costs.
  • We do not make our membership list available for commercial purposes.

CPA is not an outfitter and as such we do not sell, rent, or otherwise supply boats or equipment.

Please note that CPA is primarily a sea kayaking club. Sea kayaks are generally around 16′ or longer and 24″ or less in width and designed to track straight and be relatively fast. A spray skirt, for most sea kayaks, is an essential component, not an optional accessory.

While all are welcome to join, people with shorter, wider boats may find them unsuitable for many CPA trips as they will likely have difficulty keeping up with the group.

Individual/Family/Business Memberships:

$10 per year, $18 for two years, $27 for 3 years, or $35 for 4 years.

Here you can join the CPA or change your membership contact information.

We offer a variety of methods of completing your membership with the Chesapeake Paddlers Association, Inc. If you wish to mail in a check to the CPA, please follow the link for a mail in option below. If you wish to use online payment methods follow the link to the online PayPal® option below. If you would like to change your email, mailing address, or telephone number, follow the link to the Membership Corrections option below.

CPA Membership Mail In Option

You may send in a membership form to the Chesapeake Paddlers Association, Inc. as a new or renewing member. Our membership dues are offered at a scaled rate, allowing you to save if you join or renew for more than one year at at time. Doing so also helps to save resources and volunteer club member labor.

To open a mail-in form click the link below(it is in PDF format). Print the form, complete and mail to the following address.

Note that CPA receives very little mail in our PO Box and the Post Office is about an hour away for the people currently picking it up. Therefore the PO Box is only checked every several weeks.

Membership Mail-In Form (fillable .pdf)

Chesapeake Paddlers Association, Inc. (CPA)
P.O. Box 341
Greenbelt, MD 20768-0341


CPA Online Membership Option

Thank you for choosing to become a member of the CPA electronically or to extend your membership electronically. Joining or renewing electronically helps to save resources. You will not need to print and mail a membership application. You will save on postage. Please consider joining or renewing for more than one year. This will help us save volunteer membership time and processing fee costs.

CPA offers business memberships for the same cost as individual or family memberships. Business Members are entitled to receive the newsletter and up to any three personnel at a time may share the benefits of membership concerning attendance at events. Business memberships are accorded one vote at annual or general membership meetings, regardless of the number of people constituting the business membership. Only individuals are eligible to run for office.   If this is a Business Membership, please enter the company name as well as the name of the person who is the principal point of contact.

If this is a Family Membership you may enter the names of those family or household members who would like to be considered members of the Chesapeake Paddlers Association, Inc. This can be entered on the final Payment Review screen by clicking on “If family membership, list family names”.

We also ask if you can enter your Zip Code Extension (otherwise known as Plus-4) here to assist our Membership Coordinator in her task.

After submitting this form, our Membership Coordinator will contact you personally with a welcome email.

Please note that after clicking “Pay Now” it will take a moment for PayPal® to connect and load onto your screen.

CPA Individual/Family/Business Membership

We use PayPal for secure transactions. All information passed through this transaction will be secure and will be used only by the Chesapeake Paddlers Association, Inc. for membership purposes. Payment information is collected and used by PayPal secure processing only. The CPA does not retain any credit or account information. Nor do we share our membership information with anyone. By using this transaction you can pay using major credit cards, electronic bank transfer, or funds from your PayPal account.


CPA Membership Contact Information Correction Option

You may make corrections to your CPA membership contact information using the form below. We recommend that you keep your mailing address, email, and telephone up to date so that we can send you The Chesapeake Paddler(our monthly newsletter), and any other important club information.

We do not currently have an electronic method for you to check your registered membership contact information. If you wish to check your contact information you can send an email to the CPA Membership Coordinator.

Membership Information Correction Form


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