Of the 38 campers who originally signed on, 29 hardy souls decided to brave the frigid weather to participate in the annual end -of -season Chickahominy River camp trip. Most campers arrived on Thursday and were ready to paddle Friday morning despite the raging wind and chilly temperatures. Most paddlers sought out an area that was at least semi -protected from the wind,so one group paddled across the Chickahominy River and up Morris Creek.During the lunch stop, Carolyn Sanford decided it was a good time to find a secluded spot.While there,a falling branch clobbered her.She received a knot on her head,a broken ulna bone,and a swollen hand.She received an ice pack and splint at the landing,and a person nearby agreed to drive the injured Carolyn back to the campground. Once there,Leigh Mariassy and Suzanne Farace provided her a Sam ’s Splint to support her arm. Leigh then drove her to the hospital ER.
Reflecting on the incident,I realized it was lucky that someone with a vehicle was nearby to drive Carolyn to the campground,and she wasn’t a serial killer.Many times we stop for a lunch break nowhere near a road or other persons outside our group.Trying to evacuate Carolyn from the area by kayak would have been very painful for her and challenging for us.The fact that her head injury turned out to be minor was a stroke of luck. The fact that others were at the campground to assist was another stroke of luck;some of the group had decided to stay on dry land due to the high winds.
Each of us has been in the position to seek out a private semi-secluded spot to use the bathroom. But do any of us look up when we are just trying to find a wide full bush or tree to hide behind?Carolyn was expecting a fun long weekend of camping and paddling,but it ended almost as soon as it started. Let ’s all hope she is now fully recovered from her injuries.
Upcoming Events
The annual CPA steering committee and planning meeting will be held on Sunday,February 25th
at the Manhattan Beach Clubhouse in Severna Park,MD. The planning meeting is open to all,so if you have a few trips you want to get on the calendar or you just want to socialize and find out the planned events for the season,please stop by. All attendees are encouraged to bring a snack or something to share.The planning meeting will commence at noon.
The CPA navigation class will also be held at the same facility on April 7th and will be taught by Paula Hubbard.
Manhattan Beach Club House
742 Dividing Road
Severna Park, MD 21146