Now is the time to go online and vote for CPA Officers and the Steering Committee. The candidates and their “stump speeches” are below. To vote, you will need your CPA member number (a reminder will be emailed the first week in October). Go here to cast your ballot.
Bill Smith— It was a real pleasure to serve as the CPA coordinator this past year and would be an honor to serve again for the 2018 season, your support would be greatly appreciated. This past year I set aside some goals such as increased trip participation, more water access and getting some new trip leaders. I think these goals were somewhat successful but more work needs to be done. With your help, I would like to continue working on these goals-thanks in advance for your support.
Rich Stevens—I have been treasurer for several years now and would be honored to serve again. Now that the Club is incorporated and on a sound legal basis, I’ve worked to insure that all the proper federal and state filings have been kept up to date. I’ve also worked hard to insure that members are reimbursed in a timely manner, all payments are properly recorded and deposited, and that the necessary paperwork is kept up to date in an orderly fashion. I plan on continuing to work to seek other ways for the Club to give back to our members and to insure that Club funds are spent wisely. Although I generally hate paperwork, I’ve enjoyed my work for CPA. No fame and glory, but a necessary part of a corporation.
Sue Stevens—Thanks for nominating me to be the CPA Secretary! Most often, you can spot me paddling with our weekly Wednesday–after-work Arundell Pirates; I also help out a lot behind the scenes. Tracking the club’s membership numbers, it is encouraging to see so many multiple year members and lots of new paddlers: our membership numbers are rising. My tasks as secretary include managing the off-line CPA membership database, handling the Paddler newsletter e-distribution and reminders to renew your CPA membership dues. I am very glad to part of a very lively and long-lived kayaking club.
Steering Committee (listed alphabetically, choose six)
Linda Delaney—As a new kayaker, I feel I can assist CPA by representing that segment of our membership and providing what I hope will be helpful insight into what draws new folks to the sport and to CPA.
Tim Dole—I am honored to be nominated to a third term in the steering committee. I am in favor of CPA’s plan to use MeetUp to schedule trips and events. I understand that using MeetUp will hinder the process that CPA trip leaders use to screen trip participants, but I am confident that these concerns can be addressed. I am also in favor of CPA’s revised trip rating criteria because it acknowledges that with proper planning and preparation, trips that involve open water and other “conditions” can be accomplished safely. I think that it is very important for CPA to offer open water trips, such as the Kent Island Paddle, because it allows paddlers to increase their skills in a supportive and safety-conscious environment.
Jaclin Gilbert—We are lucky enough to live in one of the best paddling locations in the country, with a strong community of paddlers. As a member of the Steering Committee, I am interested in facilitating opportunities for new paddlers to learn how to safely enjoy our waters, while continuing and widening exploration for current members on our rivers and Bay. My focus will be on deepening connections in the paddling community, encouraging safe habits and stewardship of our waters.
Ralph Heimlich—I have been an active member of CPA for the last 15 years, and am honored to be nominated to continue on the Steering Committee. My particular interests are a) trip leading, particularly multi-day kayak touring trips; b) training new trip leaders to continue the Club’s strong programs; c) water access issues, particularly promoting new paddle-in campsites; and d) interfacing with other recreational and environmental organizations that pursue goals congruent with sea kayaking interests. This past year, I’ve helped build the new website, worked with organizations from Newtowne Neck State Park staff to the committee proposing the Mallows Bay National Marine Sanctuary, established the Chesapeake Bay Launch Site and Paddle-in Campsite Atlas on CPA’s web page, and continued leading trips. If elected, I hope to continue these efforts in support of the sea kayaking community.
Greg Hollingsworth–I am passionate about sea kayaking, it’s what I do for fun. I got hooked on the sport years ago when I paddled the length of Alaska’s Glacier Bay. This year, my wife Luci and I took kayaking trips that spanned from Stonington, ME to Tybee, GA and many spots in between. I’m an American Canoe Association (ACA) Coastal Kayaking Instructor and a British Canoe Union (BCU) 4* paddler. I particularly enjoy rough water paddling and this season, I’m working to achieve my ACA Level 4 instructor and BCU 5* certifications. I’ve been connected to the CPA for more than 20 years. I’m a frequent instructor at SK102 and I also volunteer as an instructor to CPA Piracies and to Special Olympics. I’ve led CPA trips all over the bay. If elected to the Steering Committee, I’d like to work on two things. First, I think CPA needs a skills development program for paddlers to safely transition to rougher water conditions. This will extend the range of locations that members can paddle (e.g. ocean) and will better prepare them for unforeseen conditions that might arise when a storm unexpectedly crops up. And secondly, I’d like to work on getting youth more involved in our sport. Our youth is our future and introducing them to nature’s beauty that can be found through kayaking will lead to long term benefit for them and us all.
Paula Hubbard—I’ve been paddling in the Chesapeake Bay area since moving here in 2010. CPA provided many opportunities to meet new paddlers and to learn about our paddling community. I am honored to serve on the steering committee and see it as an opportunity to give back to an organization that has provided so much. My primary interest is in educating paddlers and working with them to improve skills and leadership ability. This year I have also been working on the new Web Site, the Meetup site, and volunteered as an instructor in SK101 and 102. We are making progress as a paddling organization and I have been glad to see new paddlers become involved with CPA, leading trips and participating in the sport.
Jimmy McArdle—Thank you for the nomination to the CPA Steering Committee. I’m a lifelong paddler, thanks to having grown up on the banks of the Delaware River.. But through the generosity of countless members of CPA I am now a far more knowledgeable, safe and efficient paddler, and paddling companion. To me personally, kayaking presents a great opportunity for lifelong learning and enjoyment. As a CPA Steering Committee member I’d work to continue CPA’s commitment to education, safety, inclusivity, access and fun. So while I look forward to the opportunity to give back to the group I’ve seen help so many, myself included, if not selected, I’ll absolutely continue to promote CPA and its mission any way I can, including helping recruit new members to our ranks, because, well, there’s simply no better organization out there, on or off the water. OK, enough about me. Let’s go paddling!
Maxine Mead— I am honored to have been nominated for a position on the Steering Committee. I have been a member of CPA since 2011, the year I first attended SK 102 in a not-quite-sea kayak (12’ Perception Tribute with only a rear bulkhead.) I enjoyed the experience, and eventually purchased a “real” (albeit somewhat short, at 14 ½ feet) sea kayak and a better paddle. I have served as the registrar for SK 102 for the past two years; it is a lot of work, but a wonderful opportunity to meet many new CPA members. I continue to occupy a middle ground as a kayaker – reasonably confident in the basics, but looking forward to the opportunity to learn, and practice, next-level skills. I hope that perspective may prove useful to the Steering Committee.
Sue Sierke—Thanks for nominating me for the 2018 Steering Committee. As a relatively new member of the CPA I have enjoyed participating in so many great events. I started with the winter Eastern Neck paddle which took my love of kayaking to new levels. I have most recently participated in the KIPP series—so many nice people, great teachers, and now friends. I have also had the opportunity to kayak and car camp in the warmer and not so warm times of year. I have been a part of the Moonlight paddle from Solomon’s Island and a week of camping in the Adirondacks. There is something for everyone! If you have ever paddled with me, you’ll remember the crazy laugh and my orange and white Nomad. I have had so many great experiences with the CPA; I would enjoy the opportunity to give something back to the club and share some of my enthusiasm for kayaking with others.
Chip Walsh—I like kayaking, I love being out, and kayaking is a great way to get out. When not kayaking, I still try to get out and do something: hike bike, canoe, winter sports, etc. I’ve been a member of CPA for about 16 years. In the past, I have led trips, workshops, and cleanups. I actively support the Patuxent Riverkeeper. In 2016, I was appointed to the Anne Arundel County Water Access Commission, in which I help represent the interests of sea kayakers. I have enjoyed the many benefits CPA provides its members, and, going forward, will welcome the opportunity to contribute to the Club as a member of the Steering Committee.
Shelly Wiechelt—I am excited about being nominated for the CPA Steering Committee. Kayaking brings me great joy and CPA provides me with lots of opportunities to realize that joy. CPA has helped me to expand my kayaking skills via training at SK 102, trip leader training, KIPP series, and pool sessions. There are numerous chances to paddle with great people! I really enjoy the organization and would very much like to give back to the community. I intend to promote the CPA mission of helping people safely enjoy sea kayaking. I hope to bring new ideas and new energy to the committee to help generate even more fun learning and playing opportunities for our members. If elected, I will work diligently with other committee members to advocate for water access, provide safe and fun paddles for all members, and support learning and mentorship for sea kayakers in our region.
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