As the season draws to a close, the Annual Meeting is coming up. The Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, November 5th at 12:00 p.m. at the T. Howard Duckett Community Center located at 16601 Supplee Lane in Laurel, MD. The community center was arranged by Carol Collins—thank you Carol. Like last year, a paddle will take place on the Rocky Gorge Reservoir in the morning before the meeting. The Rocky Gorge put-in is about 1/3 mile from the meeting location. Details for the morning paddle will be posted on the Meetup site. The annual meeting will consist of the business meeting, awards, and the election of officers for the upcoming 2018 year.
The meeting will be your last chance to cast your ballot; remember, one ballot per membership. The list of candidates and their stump speeches may be found at _______. Duties of the officers and steering committee are in the by-laws here.
Pizza will be provided by CPA; please feel free to bring a side dish, dessert, or other snack to share. I hope to see you all at the meeting.
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