You may vote online at . Note, you MUST enter the last name and member number (on your membership card) for your membership for your vote to count. Invalid votes will be discarded. You may request your member number by contacting Sue Stevens, Membership Secretary You may also mail in the ballot in the October newsletter.
Paula Hubbard: I am running for CPA Coordinator because I believe that CPA provides a mix of events, skills training, that is very valuable to the paddling community. It has been a busy and eventful year for many of us and I would like to continue to support these activities and represent the club. This past year we had several very successful training events, SK101, SK102, Navigation Class, Fall Out of your Boat Day, etc. We continue to sponsor events for all level of paddlers including the Kent Island Practice Paddle Series, Meet and Greet sessions for new members, Boat Repair, Piracies, and just plain paddles. In addition we have supported improved water access in Ann Arundel County. I have been happy to have had the pleasure of working with many of the members and the steering committee in making CPA a viable and active organization and I am looking forward to continuing and improving these efforts.
Sue Stevens: It is an honor to serve as our club Secretary and would be a pleasure to serve again in 2024. No way I could be the secretary and keep up with our members without help from our club officers and loyal Pirates. My tasks as Secretary include managing the off-line CPA membership database, the club meeting minutes, Paddler News e-distribution, and commuting to the CPA Mailbox in Greenbelt. I also manage our CPA membership renewal and dues status each month, assist at SK101 and setup our annual Kayak Skills Day /Gear Day. I organize the weekly locations and schedule for our weekly Pirates of Arundel Wednesday after-work-kayak outings, send monthly reminders, and post all launch info and directions to the CPA Meetup calendar from early May through October, when it gets dark too quickly, and the bugs start to bite. I also collect the Piracy waivers I am looking forward to a brand new safe, healthy and sane kayaking year in 2025!
Rich Stevens: I have been Treasurer and Corporate Agent for CPA for a number of years now, and would be honored to serve again. I’ve worked to ensure that all the proper federal and state filings have been kept up to date. I’ve also worked hard to ensure that members are reimbursed in a timely manner, all payments are properly recorded and deposited, and that the necessary paperwork is kept up to date in an orderly fashion. I plan on continuing to work to seek other ways for the Club to give back to our members and to ensure that Club funds are spent wisely. Although I generally hate paperwork, I’ve enjoyed my work for CPA. No fame and glory, but a necessary part of a corporation. I also serve as Corporate Agent In addition, I’ve served as a Pirate Captain for the Pirates of Arundell for a number of years and assisted with SK101, Skills Day/Gear Day, and several other annual CPA events. I’m part of the Website and Forum team under Gregg Banse.
Steering Committee (listed alphabetically)
Lisa Arrasmith: I went looking for the Chesapeake Paddlers Association in the spring of 2005 as I planned to buy my first kayak. I’m glad I did. The people of the CPA led me to so many places on the water. Around Manhattan in 2010 and 2014 because of meeting Jerry Blackstone, instigator of the Manhattan Circumnavigation, at a CPA Elk Neck camper. Around Kent Island in one day because of meeting Marshall Woodruff, instigator of the Kent Island Practice Paddle (KIPP), at a CPA holiday party.
Upside down in my boat because of the CPA’s insistence that everyone do a wet exit from the boat they’re in today. Me, I instigate public water access so everyone can get to the water. In the last ten years our wet feet activists- and that means you!- jailbroke 10 waterfront parks totaling 1,540 acres in Anne Arundel County. Together, the CPA does great things because we are all good at different things. I like being part of the Steering Committee team and hope you will re-elect me.
Marylin Cooper: Hello there, I am running for the steering committee with the Chesapeake Paddlers Association again this year. I have been able to help support this organization
through the Sugar Loaf Piracy and other events such as SK101 and yearly gatherings/trainings. I want to bring my experience and leadership to help others to enjoy this sport that has become a large part of my life. I have been paddling for 7 years, attained my L3 instructor certification with ACA in the past year, and hope is using this experience to continue to serve on the steering committee. Some of my goals on the committee are to plan an interesting and informative SK101, help promote water access around our area, foster an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome and explore opportunities to expand our partnership with other similar kayaking organizations.
Ben Mayock: I am grateful for an opportunity to serve on the Chesapeake Paddlers Association’s Steering Committee. I joined CPA soon after I began kayaking in 2011 and have benefitted from many of the resources it has provided such as SK 101, 102, and 103 (Trip Leader Training). I have participated in many CPA activities including KIPP where I circumnavigated Kent Island twice by water and once by land as ground support for the circumnavigation. For the past two years I have been a captain with the Sugarloaf piracy. I’ve led paddles for CPA and other local paddling groups including WatersEdge and CKA, and have participated in paddling activities sponsored by Cross Currents and the Delmarva Paddlers Retreat among others I enjoy volunteering and helping others, and currently walk dogs for Small Miracles, an animal shelter, and maintain cabins for the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club. I look forward to contributing my resources to CPA.
Barbara Southworth: CPA has been an important part of my paddling life about as long as I’ve sea kayaked, over 25 years. Bringing on younger paddlers has been on my mind, so I would like to work with others who also have possible recruitment ideas we might pursue. I tout CPA to other paddlers and think I’ve steered a few to the organization because of what I’ve always loved about it – its twin focus on fun and safety, not to mention the myriad ways CPA gets us out on the water discovering new people, places and skills. I’ve benefitted greatly sharing the KIP experience, SK102, navigation training, day trips, cabin trips, camping trips, including out of the kayak, etc. I’m glad to be asked to be part of the Steering Committee and look forward to supporting the wonderful group driving CPA, and finding new ways to be involved.
Ricardo Stewart: I am honored to be nominated to serve on the Chesapeake Paddlers Association Steering Committee. I have been a CPA member since June 2015, participating in my first SK102, and yes, it did rain! My path to CPA started with an introductory Sea Kayaking class offered by Chesapeake Kayak Adventures (CKA) in 2014 and then Canton Kayak Club (CKC) membership in After reactivating my CPA membership in 2022, I attended SK102 and many other activities and courses, including the KIPP paddles. I now paddle regularly with the Pirates of the Sugarloaf. I have enjoyed the fellowship, sense of community, peer mentoring, and opportunities to learn and develop as a kayaker that CPA has provided. If elected, some of the things I would like to work on are 1) Lowering the barrier to entry for Sea Kayaking and participation with CPA; 2) Working on a plan to complement the weekly Piracy paddles with more frequent trips/paddles on the weekends; 3) Helping CPA collaborate with organizations that serve less-experienced sea kayakers and nonkayak owners, providing a path for their development into more confident sea kayakers and CPA members.
Sophie Troy: I have been a member of CPA for 13 years and have learned most of my paddling skills from its more experienced members. I also attended SK 102 twice and participated in multiple kayak camper trips. I also paddle with other kayaking groups which lead me to experience a wide variety of places and conditions from Florida to Manhattan. I have been a cocaptain of the Pirates of Baltimore for several years and recently took classes with Cross Currents as an UnCon I student to refine my skills and get introduced to kayak surfing. I am honored to be asked to run for membership in CPA’s Steering Committee. If elected, I would like to work on increasing the number of paddles offered on weekends and weekdays to boost membership participation. I would also like to increase the number of opportunities for skill practice during the paddles and organize paddles geared towards less experienced paddlers.
Jean Wunder: I am honored to be nominated to serve on the Chesapeake Paddler’s Steering Committee. I have been a member of CPA since April 2015. As a member I have enjoyed the benefits offered by this organization which include many learning opportunities such as SK102, fall out of your boat day, and KIPP ( a commitment to circumnavigate Kent Island).Over the years I have become more involved in the organization by volunteering my time as a captain for the Pirates of Baltimore and other one-day activities because I believe in giving back to an organization that has given me so much. As my skills have grown in the paddling sport, I have come to recognize the importance of camaraderie and safety on the water. If elected I will continue in the tradition of this organization of promoting these ideals and encouraging others to find the passion as I have for paddling.
You may vote online at . Note, you MUST enter the last name and member number (on your membership card) for your membership for your vote to count. Invalid votes will be discarded. An email will be sent to the email of record for the membership in early October. Check your inbox. You may also mail in the ballot in this newsletter.
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