Paddling season is in full swing. We have had training events, practice sessions, and now it’s time to go out and paddle. Thanks to our trip leaders and piracy captains, the calendar is filling up with paddles for every ability level.
Why and Where We Paddle
Everyone has different motivations for paddling. Some paddle for exercise, others paddle for the love of nature. Personally, I’m a bit of a training nerd. I’m happiest when I’m teaching, coaching or just practicing skills. Some of us just like messing around in boats.

The Chesapeake Bay has something for everyone. You can access the ocean if you like excitement. Traveling to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay brings many options to paddle open water and surf. Even as we move up the bay, we can experience challenges due to wind and the waves generated. We have all seen the bay transform from flat and calm to wild and exciting in a matter of hours.

Moving up into the rivers that feed into the Chesapeake Bay, there are places where you can paddle marshes, and wet lands. There is even a bald cypress swamp in the headwaters of the Pocomoke River.

Farther up along the Eastern Shore, the Wye River, Chester River, and Sassafras River offer scenic and generally protected waterways. Here it is possible to enjoy solitude, watch for wildlife, and simply enjoy the scenery. We all have our reasons for paddling and we all share a love of the water.

Magothy River

Another river that is ideal for paddling is the Magothy River. The Magothy River and its tributaries have approximately 67 miles of shoreline, with protected areas and marshes that are ideal for paddling. Unfortunately, access is limited with only two public car-top boat launches, one at Spriggs Farm Park and one at Beachwood Park. Both of these launch points present challenges to paddlers carrying kayaks down to the water.
There is an upcoming public meeting on the revised design for the shoreline at Spriggs Park on Wednesday July 12, 2023 at the Broadneck Public Library Community Meeting Room 1275 Green Holly Drive, Annapolis 21409. We need input from kayakers if we want to improve the access to the Magothy. I’m hoping that many of the paddlers in Ann Arundel County will be able to attend.
Trip Leader Training
Coming soon. There will be a one day on water training for Trip Leaders and an associated Zoom session. We already had a session on “How to Post Trips”, the next will be on trip planning. The on-water session will be posted on Meetup and will be one day (July 29th 2023). Trip Leader training is not about teaching you personal skills, it is about teaching safety and judgement concepts that are necessary when leading a group of paddlers. The maximum number of paddlers for this session will be 10. Please look on Meetup for additional details.
See you all on the water
Paula Hubbard – CPA Coordinator