Happy April! The month started out with the Annual Planning Meeting. It was nice to see some familiar faces and a few new ones even though it was a Zoom meeting. Listening to the plans of the CPA trip leaders can get one excited for the new year.
The calendar will soon show some of the trips being planned for this year but there is a lot more to come since some of the trip leaders had trips to list but have not finalized the dates due to the water temperatures and not knowing when the Covid restrictions will relax.
I expect this year to be a vast improvement over last, especially since vaccinations are in full swing and an end to this nightmare has turned the corner so better days are ahead. Some of the planned trips are new to me so I am anxious to check out new destinations. There were also some kayak campers in the mix with promises of more to come.
A few of the Piracies have tentative start dates with Pirates of Arundel planning a late April start, weather permitting. Keep an eye on the CPA Meetup calendar especially once the water warms up. Before you go on the water be sure to download the new revised CPA trip waiver
A few early traditional CPA events have been cancelled, including SK102. This event is tentatively planned for the fall and hoping to resume the normal schedule in the spring of 2022.
The Fall Out of Your Boat Day has been cancelled due to the city of Annapolis restrictions in place that allow only 25 people. Plus, tasks like helping a newbie recover from a wet exit would violate the club Covid policy.
And regrettably, event organizer Marshall Woodruff has cancelled the KIPP paddles for this year. I included his explanation below. I know he did not come to this decision easily.
Hope to see everyone on the water soon.
KIPP Series canceled for 2021
“I regret to announce the KIP series will be canceled again for this year. We don’t know when we will really be able to start our program, hopefully it can resume in 2022. Believe me I want to be paddling in our series, but it is designed for success with all six practice paddles and the final paddle. In April and May there is a lot of close contact with each other with the rescues and exercises.
“This is an important part of the series that helps build a bond with the new paddlers and the older paddlers. To do anything other than this schedule would not be fair to the paddlers who want to experience the KIPP series that would join us this year. We hope this will be under control for next year. See you then.”
– Marshall
Bill Smith
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