With the Veterans’ Day Chickahomony-Chippokes weekend behind us, we’ve arrived at the time of year when most paddlers either put their paddling gear away for the season or plan trips south where the weather is still warm enough to enjoy the kayaking experience. I like to get out a few times during the winter, but wearing all the winter gear takes a lot
of the joy out of paddling and finding companions willing to go out when the weather and the water are chilly is more difficult. Armchair paddlers find it easier to stay indoors, research on the Internet, study area maps, and imagine paddles they’d like to do when the weather gets better.
Why not take advantage of this time to plan for next season, bring your ideas to the February planning meeting, and participate in some of the training events scheduled for the coming winter? I have described some of them below. However, I urge you to continue to check the CPA calendar as the list is not complete; some events were in the planning stage when this column was written.
Our holiday party is again being hosted by Ralph and Beth Heimlich on
December 14th starting at 7 p.m.; https://www.meetup.com/TheChesapeake-Paddlers-Association/events/266107651/ They generously host each year, so please express your appreciation when you see them. The party is a lot of fun, so I hope many of you plan to attend. The club provides some meats, but otherwise the dinner is potluck and BYOB. The annual white elephant gift exchange can be very entertaining, especially when you open something you like. Since anyone awaiting their turn can opt to steal, there is no guarantee you will get to keep it. Though the gift should in some way be kayakrelated, it is a theme often broadly interpreted. It can be a great way to get rid of a superfluous item.
SK 101 is scheduled for March 1st at the Cult Classic Brewery. Like last year, this year’s event will be chaired by Shelly Weichelt and her committee, including Rick Leader, Denise Parisi, and Laurie Collins. This team introduced some new ideas to sustain interest through the daylong curriculum. If you know anyone who is even mildly curious about taking up the sport, invite them to attend SK 101; we all know a few of those people. When the water is warmer, this year’s event may follow up with an on-water day of training and play.
Catriona Miller is the leader for a Cold Water Workshop planned for Jan 19 at Cult Classic Brewery.
Look for a 2020 season planning meeting in February.
Paula Hubbard is planning to teach a navigation class. It grows more popular each year, so sign up early when it is announced. Paula usually follows up with a day of practicing navigation skills on the water.
Expect workshop opportunities in making Greenland paddles, making spray skirts and tuliks, and using Kayak GPSes. Watch Meetup for details.
Bill Upton and Ralph Heimlich will take over publishing the newsletter at the start of the new year. For the past three years the newsletter has been produced by Beth Boyd and Lois Wyatt, this edition being their last. Thank you, Beth and Lois, for your service.
The Steering Committee now has a vacancy. Composed of six members in good standing, they are responsible for making decisions for the club in one face-to-face annual planning meeting in February and via email communication the rest of the year. Please consider serving our paddling community by volunteering to join the Steering Committee. Email Bill Smith or any member of the SC for further information.
I hope everyone has a great holiday season.
~ Bill Smith
Reporting Accidents & Incidents
Reporting Accidents & Incidents
While CPA seldom experiences accidents or incidents, any that occur should be reported as soon as possible and in detail to the Coordinator and the Steering Committee. The Coordinator or Treasurer will forward these documents to our insurance agents. Fillable .pdf forms for reporting incidents are online here.
The first page contains the complete procedure for completing the report.