Happy New Year! It’s winter but it is not too early to plan for the upcoming 2020 paddling season.
CPA Planning Meeting
The CPA planning meeting will be held at noon on March 8th at the Cult Classic Brewery, 1169 Shopping Center Road, Stevensville, MD. The CPA steering committee will meet prior to the meeting.
Whether you plan to lead a trip, socialize, find out the ideas being generated or throw out some ideas of your own then please plan to attend.
If you would like to lead a trip but are new to trip leading you can always ask for a mentor to help lead the trip. Over the past few years there has been a decline in CPA trips so please help us change that trend. Let’s face it, a paddling club is not much fun if we are not out paddling, so help us make it fun.
If you know anyone who is new to kayaking or thinking of becoming a paddler, SK101 Introduction to Sea Kayaking is scheduled for March 1, 2020 at the Cult Classic Brewery. This year’s event will again be led by Shelly Weichelt and her committee (Laurie Collins, Rick Leader and Denise Parisi).
SK101 covers many topics useful to a beginner or soon to be kayaker ranging from basic skills, kayak safety, how to buy a boat, how to dress, and places to kayak around the Chesapeake Bay.
This event is a great first step in becoming a kayaker. SK101 is an all-day event with a light breakfast and lunch served. Anyone interested in attending must register, see page 6 or the CPA Meetup page for details.
Also mark your calendars for the 22nd Annual SK102 On-Water Skills Training to be held April 24 through 26 in Lake Anna, VA. This is CPA’s premier event and distinguishes CPA as a leader in helping Bay area paddlers advance their skills and stay safe.
SK102 is a credit to the many CPA organizers, teachers and volunteers who really work hard to put on such a popular workshop. This year’s SK102 is again being coordinated by Catriona Miller and Maxine Mead. This event always fills up fast. Registration opens February 1, see page 7 for details.
Hoosier Kayak Club
The Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club, based in Indianapolis, will be hosting a Chesapeake Bay sea kayak trip and will be passing through our area.
The trip leader, Robert Moore, has been communicating with me with their itinerary to see if any local paddlers want to join them as they pass through.
The group will be in the Chesapeake region from June 7-14 starting with a Susquehanna paddle and then to the Severn River launching from Jonas Greene park with a 10:30 launch on June 9th. They will continue to Janes Island and possibly the Pocomoke near Snow Hill.
They are considering a paddle out to Thomas Point Lighthouse but not firm yet. If you would like to join this group on their adventure, contact Robert Moore at njordball@gmail.com.
The season is almost here!
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