This is the last newsletter of the year so a good time to reflect on the events of the past season.
There were several CPA events that were cancelled due to the virus along with many active members missing from the scene. Some of the cancelled events are the backbone of CPA’s early thirty-year history along with the many day trips and campers that did not happen this year. So far 2021 is not looking much better but we can all hope for a miracle in the next few months. I do believe that paddling is as safe as it gets as far as avoiding close contact with others and being outside reduces the risk considerably if everyone does their part.
Not all was doom and gloom since a few of the piracies did function along with limited day trips and campers at a lesser capacity. The Pirates of Arundell, Pirates of Potomac and Pirates of the North held sessions with limited participation. I attended several of the Pirates of Arundell paddles which usually drew about ten members each week who were able to paddle together as safely as possible.
Prior to the quarantine the cold-water workshop was held in January and SK 101 was held in March but that was the last of the full participation workshops. This year we will probably see more virtual training events like the kayak camper chaired by Suzanne Farace and Maxine Meade. This year did see an uptick in new paddlers and old paddlers reappearing since kayaking is something you can do and still socially connect with less fear of contamination. I just hope we do not see an increase in cold water mishaps since beginner paddlers are more likely to take a chance without the proper gear.
After 2021 rolls around and the holidays are behind us it will be time to think about the 2021 season. I am hoping we will get a few members to step up and lead a few trips this year. I am going to commit to leading at least five trips this coming season. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and looking forward to next year.
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