Chesapeake Paddlers Association, Inc. Electronic Voting

Now is the time to show your support for the Chesapeake Paddlers Association as well as for your favorite friends and members in the club. Vote for the nominees of your choosing for the offices of Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, and members of the Steering Committee. These votes are official, and will be counted along with those cast via U.S. mail. Note that each CPA membership (individual or family) only gets one vote.

Please Note:
You can only vote for one nominee for Coordinator, one for Treasurer, and one for Secretary.  You can vote for up to six choices for Steering Committee Members.

Stump Speeches  and electronic voting link are HERE.

You may cast Write-In ballots for anyone who is a member of the CPA and is not on the ballot list already.
You must enter your Membership Number and the Last Name on your membership to validate your vote.  You can request your member number by email here


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