Come to the CPA Annual Meeting–Bill Smith

As the season draws to a close, the Annual Meeting is coming up.  The Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, November 5th at 12:00 p.m. at the T. Howard Duckett Community Center located at 16601 Supplee Lane in Laurel, MD.  The community center was arranged by Carol Collins—thank you Carol.  Like last year, a paddle will take place on the …

From the CPA Coordinator – Bill Smith

August can be really hot along the Chesapeake Bay with bathwater temperatures and stinging jellyfish or sea nettles about. Keeping cool can get tricky especially when the jellyfish are everywhere. August is the time of year I like to plan fall paddle trips up north. In the past we would always plan our trips for late September to mid-October for …


If you  DID NOT receive  your   JULY Chesapeake Paddler  last month  or  the AUGUST Chesapeake Paddler via email this week  – DID  you  recently   change  your email address ?   A number of  CPA members will be receiving those  extra  printed copies of the August  Paddler via “snail mail “ to keep you in the loop   :  we want to …

New Chesapeake Bay Launch and Paddle-In Campsite Guide Posted

A new, interactive Chesapeake Bay Launch Site and Paddle-In campsite map is now available on the CPA website here.  Data on more than 750 launch sites is available by clicking on the “kayak” icons on the map, which can be zoomed and panned to home in on your area of interest.  Data on 57 paddle-in campsites is also available at …