From the CPA Coordinator: Paddlers Beware and Fall Out of Your Boat Day

PADDLERS BEWARE and FALL OUT OF YOUR BOAT DAY From the CPA Coordinator PADDLERS BEWARE If you’re like me then you realize that summer is flying by at a rapid pace. The heat of late July and August brings warm water to the Bay along with jelly fish and a few other unseen hazards. I really don’t like playing in …

From the CPA Coordinator: Perils of Miner’s Castle

Perils of Miner’s Castle From the CPA Coordinator Perils of Miner’s Castle I know it is summer, but I cannot help thinking of a story I recently read in Paddler magazine. The story is about three long time friends who meet yearly to go on an outdoor adventure together from backpacking to kayaking. This year they chose Pictured Rocks National …

Coordinator Column: Marshall Woodruff and Low-Head Dam Safety

On May 14th a beautiful celebration of life was held on Kent Island to say good by to long time CPA member and founder of the KIPP Kent Island Practice Paddles, Marshall Woodruff. The ceremony was held on the beach at Ferry Point Nature Park. The day started with a group of nine paddlers who launched from Kent Narrows and …


MAY 2022 NEWSLETTER EDITOR CPA needs a new editor for the newsletter. Bill Upton the current editor has some family obligations and needs to step down; this newsletter will be his last. Please let us know if you have an interest in taking on this task; your help is much appreciated. Bill Upton did an excellent job so he will …