At the end of each paddling season, many of us in the CPA like to look back on the trips that were offered and led. It gives us a warm fuzzy feeling, but also it gives us a chance to ponder on what worked well and what did not; what was accepted with raised paddles and hearty cheers and what …
October 2008
How do you serve your adventures? Well Done? There is a quote I think about all the time when I’m climbing or on expeditions. It’s by the great polar explorer Vilhájlmur Stefansson: “Adventure is a sign of incompetence.” Stefansson was a guy who bragged that he never had adventures. He said that if you have an adventure, you’re doing something …
September 2008
The Chesapeake is a Great Staycation Place Fall is the time of year that we all get that satisfied feeling about our sport of paddling. It is that time of the year that we most often find ourselves saying “Wow! This is a great day to be out!” or “Isn’t this gorgeous!” or “I am so happy to be out …
July/August 2008
“Live and Learn” or “Learn from Others” Kayaking is a sport, and along with the idea of any sport comes the desire to explore. Not the exploring of your environment, but the exploring of yourself. That is what sports are all about; the chance to take things to new heights; whether those “things” are described by you as skills or …