Kayak Camping

I love May! This is the time of year when the water is warming up, days are getting longer, and the winter gear can get stowed away for another year. The CPA calendar shows a busy month, so it should be easy to find a trip you like and get out. Given the moderate temperatures, it is also a good …

Happy Spring!

Happy Spring! Warm water and longer days are around the corner. Like many of you, I am ready for the paddling season. There are some great trips listed on the CPA calendar for this year, and some of the trips are filling up fast, so check it out. Also, remember that trips will be added as the season goes on, …

Warm Days, But Frigid Water

In January, CPA sponsored a cold water clinic presented by Moulton Avery. This clinic was very informative and eye-opening instruction; he dug deeply into the subject of cold water shock. This was my third time attending the clinic. One thing that struck me was that Moulton barely touches on hypothermia because in reality after cold water shock, you probably won’t …

New Member Discount Benefit

Bill Smith found a new member discount deal for us. Outdoor Play loves to paddle and strives to help our community grow by making paddling as approachable and affordable as possible. They reached out to extend CPA a special promo code which will save members 15% off on their website, Outdoorplay.com. You also receive Free Shipping on orders over $49, …