Missed SK101 Intro to Sea Kayaking? Not to Worry…See HERE!

Are you new to sea kayaking?  Did you miss our SK101 Intro to Sea Kayaking Course in March?  Not to worry…While not nearly as good as BEING THERE, this collection of presentations provides a wealth of information valuable to the new kayaker.  Read online or download them as .pdf documents. Click here.

Chesapeake Paddlers Association Membership News

Dreaming about kayaking on warm summer days?  BE SURE to join our 2018 trips!    IF you have recently seen an email – or two- or three every month asking about your own CPA membership status: it’s time to renew!!!!   Those who   have paid multi-year (4-year max.) CPA membership – will have reminders A LOT less often.   Please contact Sue …

New Paddler Profile Added

A new Paddler Profile was added for Joan Ellis at http://cpakayaker.wpengine.com/about-cpa/community-newsletter/community-newsletter-paddler-profiles/ Read about all your paddling buddies from The Chesapeake Paddler

The Chesapeake Paddler Archives Updated

Complete back issues of The Chesapeake Paddler, newsletter of the Chesapeake Paddlers Association, Inc., are available for download from 2002 through July of 2017 at http://cpakayaker.wpengine.com/about-cpa/community-newsletter/chesapeake-paddler-archives/