News From the CPA Coordinator – Bill Smith

Last year Rick Leader organized the SK 101 event and did a fabulous job adding a new spin with experienced paddlers standing up and giving a brief description of why they paddle and a fast-paced agenda, but good things don’t last since Rick has decided to make it a onetime affair. This year Shelley Weichelt has stepped up and will …


It’s almost fall and time to consider who you want as officers of Chesapeake Paddlers Association. If you would like to run for office, then get someone to nominate you for a position or if you have a good candidate in mind then nominate them. The deadline for nominations is September 30, 2018 and ballot distribution and online voting begins …

Homeport Farm Park Ribbon Cutting June 20 3PM

Ribbon cutting with the county executive and others set for 3 pm – be there early to get on the water. See the nice new parking lot, launch area and other improvements. Help us thank the county for their water access efforts. Afterwards, paddle with the Pirates of Arundell & explore the South River together! Here are directions :

Additions to the Chesapeake Water Access and Paddle-in Campsite Atlas

Based on our recent trip to the Dismal Swamp area of southeast Virginia, I’ve added some additional launch sites to the Atlas at You can see pictures of some of the paddling in this area at If you notice errors, omissions or problems with these or any of the entries in the Atlas, please email me at heimlichfamily at comcast …