Resources for Paddlers

Did you know you can find launch locations, weather, tides, water temperatures, and handouts from SK101 and other classes on the CPA website? No need to look in all the various corners of the world wide web, your most-used paddle-related information resources are all here.

Reporting Accidents and Incidents

A recent incident at SK102 highlighted that CPA did not have a procedure for reporting accidents or incidents that may occur on CPA trips or at CPA events.

Volunteers Needed for Piracy

Chesapeake Paddlers Association Piracies are the local chapters that paddle on a designated week night during the summer season. We have Piracies in several locations (see Paddling Pirates). Recently, the Pirate Captains of several Piracies have decided not to continue. If these paddling groups are to continue, some volunteer (s) need to step forward to lead the groups. If you …

CPA Membership Renewal

Hullo CPA member!   Dreaming about kayaking on warm breezy summer days?  Now it’s time to get ready for more kayaking trips with CPA, while buffing up that boat & locating all your gear; do you know if your CPA membership is up for renewal? Many trip leaders expect you to be an active CPA member when you join their trips via …