Some CPA Activities Return but No KIPP for 2021

Happy April! The month started out with the Annual Planning Meeting. It was nice to see some familiar faces and a few new ones even though it was a Zoom meeting. Listening to the plans of the CPA trip leaders can get one excited for the new year. The calendar will soon show some of the trips being planned for …

2021 ZOOM Trip Planning Meeting Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Everyone is welcome! Please join us for the 2021 Online Trip Planning Meeting via Zoom. Have your calendar and plan out some local day trips, and weekend camping outings and other events. We still have COVID safety restrictions until more COVID vaccine is shot-into-arms this spring. Calling all trip leaders and anyone who wishes to start up CPA kayaking trips …

Trip Planning Meeting and Journeys with my Father

You must love this time of year as the days get longer and spring is getting closer by the minute. This is the time of year where CPA starts planning events for the upcoming season beginning with the Trip Planning Meeting. It scheduled for March 31, 2021 at 7:00 PM EST and it will be via ZOOM. Click here to …

Cold Water Safety ZOOM Workshop March 18

Chesapeake Paddlers Association and Moulton Avery of the National Center For Cold Water Safety have teamed up to offer you this workshop which will teach you how to kayak safely in cold water, how to dress for cold water and show you how to use the five Golden Rules of cold water safety to build yourself a strong safety net. …