The CPA election and more progress on water access

With October comes the transition from summer to fall which is a great time of year and my favorite season.  I love the colors, the cooler weather and the smaller crowds. It is also time to get out and vote for the CPA Officers. Please show your support by casting a ballot. You can vote online or snail mail up …

Nominations, Annual Meeting and a legend

With September comes the chance to run for CPA office or nominate your favorite candidate. Nominations are open through the month of September. CPA is always looking for new blood to take the reins and guide the club into the new year. The club officers serve a term of one year. There are a few vacancies this year since a …

New Additions to the Interactive Chesapeake Bay Access Map

A number of new launches and paddle-in campsites have been added to the Interactive Chesapeake Bay Access Map in our Resources Section under Places to Paddle. There are now 876 launch sites, and 67 paddle-in campsites listed on the map, including geographic coordinates, street address, amenities, ownership. and body of water. In addition, two distance matrices have been developed giving …

Coordinator’s Column

The season has begun and so it is a far cry better than last year, so I hope everyone is out and taking advantage of the new improved season. So far, I am off to a good start since I have paddled a few times around my neighborhood on the Magothy River, The Patuxent, Trapp Pond and with the Pirates …