Community Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter, The Chesapeake Paddler, published January/February-December, includes news items of interest to sea kayakers, a schedule of regional paddling events, information on equipment and skills, and more. Click on the topics below to view featured articles from back issues.

The Chesapeake Paddler

Selected Newsletter Articles

CPA Annual Reports

These documents were produced each year recently, combining Treasurer, Membership, Logo Ware and Participation reports for each year.

Contribute to the CPA Newsletter


Closing dates for articles, trip reports, information, and advertisements is the 15th of the month prior to the next issue.


1/8 page $20 (business card); 1/4 page $32; 1/2 page $50; full page $80. Yearly discount = 9 months x monthly rate. Public service announcements, including personal ads to sell personal kayaks and accessories are printed for members at no charge for 3 months.
Send newsletter submissions and inquiries to the Managing Editor.

CPA Newsletter Team

Gary TrotterGary Trotter
Managing Editor/Layout
Ralph Heimlich
Article Editor
Sue StevensSue Stevens
EMail Distribution

Volunteer Needed
Paddler Profiles

The electronic newsletter is delivered as an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) attachment. Download the PDF Reader here:

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